Welcome to Rak Modern School's Cyber Safey Info

Explore essential information for a secure online experience. Find practical tips and insights to navigate the digital world safely. Join us in promoting a safer online environment for all. Let's prioritize cyber safety together!


Protecting Your Device

Shield your device from digital threats with a robust antivirus solution – a virtual guardian that stands vigilant against malicious attacks. Bolster your online security and enjoy peace of mind as you navigate the digital landscape.

Device Protection

Cyber Safety Importance

In our connected world, cyber safety is paramount. Learn to protect your digital identity, practice responsible online behavior, and navigate potential risks. Explore topics from privacy protection to recognizing threats. Join us in creating a secure online environment for all!

Password Security
Password Security

Keep your accounts safe by creating strong passwords. Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, and remember to update them regularly for added security.

Cyber Bullying
Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying, the digital manifestation of harassment and intimidation, poses a serious threat to online well-being. It demands our collective efforts to foster a positive digital environment for everyone.

Protecting Your Personal Info
Protecting your personal information

Keep personal information private to ensure a secure and confident online presence.